Nintendo eShop Gift Card [Digital Code]
Delivery in Seconds by email
1. If you haven’t already, set up an internet connection on your Nintendo Switch system.
2. Make sure your Nintendo Switch system has the latest systemupdate.
3. From the Nintendo Switch HOME Menu, select the Nintendo eShopicon.
4. Select “Enter Code.”
5. Enter your download code and click “OK.”
Your total balance cannot exceed $200
Nintendo 3DS family of systems
1. If you haven’t already, set up an Internet connection to your system and make sure your device has the latest system update.
2. From the HOME Menu, select the Nintendo eShop icon.
3. Scroll left and select “Add Funds.”
4. Select “Redeem a Nintendo eShop Card.”
5. Tap the box that says, “Enter the activation code.”
6. Use the touch screen to enter the activation code from the Digital Card and tap “OK.”
7.Tap “OK” again.
Wii U
1. If you haven’t already, set up an Internet connection to your system and make sure your device has the latest system update.
2. From the HOME Menu, select the Nintendo eShop icon.
3. Select “Balance” from the menu on the left side of the screen.
4. Tap button that says “NintendoeShop Card.”
5. Tap the box that says, “Enter the code.”
6. Use the touch screen to enter the activation code from the Digital Card and tap “OK.”
7. Select “Add.”
· Valid for use in the United States only.
· Use of this card requires broadband Internet access, and acceptance of a User Agreement, and Privacy Policy. Please review the User Agreement at before purchasing.
· Compatible accessories and software may be required to use certain downloaded content, and are sold separately.
· When you enter the card’s activation code on the Nintendo eShop or other Nintendo shopping service, the card balance will be associated with your Nintendo eShop account and will be non-transferable. There will be no remaining balance on the card.
· The card balance may only be used on a single Nintendo eShop account.
There is a maximum unused account balance that may be stored on a single Nintendo eShop account, and the card may, as a result, be temporarily unredeemable.
· Card balances do not expire, and there are no fees associated with the card. This card is non-reloadable.
· Card balances cannot be redeemed for cash or for third-party stored value, and are non-refundable unless required by law.
· Card balances will not be replaced by Nintendo or your retailer if the card is lost or stolen. Do not buy this card if the silver area has been scratched off.
· Please visit for more information.
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voucher is non-refundable/exchange and cannot be exchanged for cash in part or
full and is valid for a single transaction only.
vouchers cannot be replaced if lost, stolen or damaged.
vouchers are valid till the claim-by-date.
vouchers only to be used in their specific region.
will be under terms and conditions of their brands.
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